Projects: Persona


Persona is a knwoledge, a tremendous knowledge of a loneliness, an estrangement, an inability to encounter. Persona is a drama of despair. Its a play of the sensitivity of skin, of faces and words. Persona is a collapsing illusion, a triumph of silence.

Song Name
Location: HfS Ernst Busch Berlin
Regie: Johann-Heinrich Rabe
Stückentwicklung: Camillo Gulde, Jaap Kanis, Aniol Kirberg, Eva Maria Nikolaus, Maximilian Paier, Johann-Heinrich Rabe, Theresa Reiwer, Alexander Scharf, Beatrix Strobel und Ana Edroso Stroebe
Schauspiel: Aniol Kirberg, Eva Maria Nikolaus, Maximilian Paier, Beatrix Strobel
Bühnenbild: Theresa Reiwer, Camillo Gulde
Musik & Ton: Alexander Scharf
Foto: © Chris Erlbeck
>> premiere